About me

My name is Leonhard Reiter, but most people just call me Lenni1. I am a Phd-student and pre-doctoral researcher in Marketing at the University of Vienna. My supervisor is Christoph Fuchs.

I am interested in how people engage, rate and interact with new technologies, ranging from algorithms to vaccines. Furthermore I am also interested in more meta-sciency topics such as p-mining, publication bias and how to help to improve science as a whole. My research was featured in popular media such as the Forbes magazine. I strongly advocate for open-science and especially reproducible workflows. Check out my OSF to see more.

My work is strongly quantitative and I love doing and reading about statistics. I am interested in meta-analyses, mixed-effects models, Machine Learning and text as data. Check my Github to see what book I am currently working through.

Before I started my Phd, I studied Psychology at the University of Vienna (M.Sc), while also being a student assistant in Robert Böhm’s Team. There I helped with conducting research, such as creating surveys and analyzing data.

I did an internship at Susann Fiedler’s group at the WU Vienna where I prepared a Bachelor course on Publication Bias detection methods such as p/z-curves regarding management research.

Beside science I am an avid martial artist (Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), like to cook, play Bass and take long walks in the Augarten.

If you would like to talk about statistics, science in general or to collaborate on a project, feel free to reach out to me via mail.


  1. With an “i” not a “y”↩︎